Society of Toxicology (SOT) Conference 2018
The Society of Toxicology's 57th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo was held in San Antonio, Texas on March 12-15, 2018 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Members of The Sayes Group who attended and presented data were: Christie Sayes, Henry Lujan, Marina Mulenos George, and Andreanna Burman. Other research groups from Baylor University also attended the meeting, including Dr. Bruce’s team and Dr. Brooks’s team. The program for the conference can be found here.
The plenary speaker, Matthew H. Porteus from Stanford University, set the stage for a thought-porvoking week of exploring the utility of new tools and techniques for toxicology testing by presenting on "Developing Genome-Edited Stem Cells for Therapy of Patients: Assessing Efficacy and Toxicology". This topic is especially relevant to The Sayes Group, as Dr. Sayes was recently named a 2018 AFRL (Air Force Research Lab) Faculty Fellow and will study "Next generation toxicological model systems for advanced materials and beyond: Application of gene-editing technology”.
Presentations by The Sayes Group at the Society of Toxicology conference included:
“Contemporary Considerations: Nanomaterial Characterization, Aerosol Generation, and Exposure” by Christie M. Sayes
"Cell Cycle Alterations After In Vitro Exposure To Pegylated Gold Particles In Cancerous Vs. Non-cancerous Lung Cells” by Henry Lujan
"Physicochemical Features of Gold Nanoparticle Protein Corona: Using Analytical Methods to Detect and Identify Proteins” by Andreanna Burman and Marina Mulenos George