Mission Statement
Leveraging transformational research at the nexus of advanced engineered materials, human health, and environmental exposure to enhance safe and efficacious product development
The Sayes Group is a team of multi-disciplinary researchers focused on studying the human and environmental health effects of engineered materials. We specialize in characterizing the physical, chemical, and biological properties of chemicals and particles in simulated intentional and unintentional exposure scenarios.
Our team works in a BSL-2 research facility housed within the Baylor Sciences Building at Baylor University (R1) in Waco, Texas. We conduct original research designed to improve the quality of life and the environment in which we live.
An overarching focus in projects conducted in our lab is answering questions related to human and environmental health effects. This includes questions about possible exposures to environmental contaminants, issues related to insult or injury to human systems, and cellular mechanisms of toxic action after exposure.
We aim to conduct cutting-edge research in the following areas:
Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine
Exposure Assessment and Dosimetry
Material Characterization and Human Health Safety
Environmental Health Science

![SH-SY5Y (Semi-Adherent) 10x [Published].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5378fec8e4b0510c9a86a84b/1549813867039-53502QSIP70RFRU2CQLX/SH-SY5Y+%28Semi-Adherent%29+10x+%5BPublished%5D.jpg)